Kongshavn Studios Kystveien 494 N-4639 Kristiansand S. Homepage: http://www.kongshavnstudios.com/ Bjørn Ole Rasch Producer/Composer Home: Kystveien 494 N-4639 Kristiansand S. Cellphone: +47 - 90 05 41 71 Professor Popular Music Agder University Kongensgate 56 N-4610 Kristiansand S. Fax office: +47 - 38 14 19 01 Phone office: +47 - 38 14 19 22 E-mail: bjorn.o.rasch@uia.no Homepage: www.bjornolerasch.com Annbjørg Lien Musician/Composer Home: Kystveien 494 N-4639 Kristiansand S. E-mail: annb-l@online.no Homepage: http://www.annbjorglien.com/ Trond Engebretsen Chief Technician Cellphone: +47 - 93 66 18 85 E-mail: trond@netwerk.no Robin Barstow Technician Cellphone: +47 - 90 57 69 95 E-mail: robin@barstow.no Roald Råsberg Technician Cellphone: +47 - 91 69 37 31 E-mail: roald@sandenmedia.no Endre Kirkesola Technician Cellphone: + 47 - 91 16 90 23 Robert Wilhelmsen Technician Cellphone: + 47 - 99 49 17 35 |
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